Saturday, September 21, 2013

My Bangladeshi cultural dilema

It takes a bit until you get used to the Dhaka’s busy streets scattered with random piles of waste being picked at by people, dogs and crow. It takes a bit to get used to the smells in the heat of the summer. Within such an environment, one can find it difficult to relax and enjoy the food.

The fact is that Bangladeshis believe that eating with the hand is a more natural, purer way to consume food. Metallic silverware taints the taste. I can buy the argument, even though I can't entirely ditch the fork and knife. I had my encounters with Ethiopian food in the U.S., but here I find myself in a big cultural dilemma. In Bangladesh, as a Muslim country, it is imperative to eat with the right hand, never the left, since the left hand is used when one goes to the restroom.

My issue? I have always been a lefty and growing up they had to put my left hand in cast in cast in order for me to learn writing with my right. When I eat here with my hands, I either make a complete mess by trying to use my right or I am violating all Bangladeshi rules of etiquette by using my left one.

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