Friday, February 21, 2014

Superbowl in Dhaka

There are not many holidays to make you feel American abroad. Officially, there is  the Fourth of July and Thanksgiving. But the unofficial one is Superbowl Sunday. I could make a very strong argument that the Monday after should be given as a day off. But who would listen to me?

Of course, there are logistical challenges overseas. The main one? Time difference. In Dhaka, kick off time was 6:30AM. So forget about the crappy quality of the Internet transmission. Instead of having beer and chicken wings you need to settle for breakfast and instant coffee. That's a huge sacrifice, to go without the two traditional Superbowl staples.

I thought for sure no one would be crazy enough to watch the Superbowl at the American Club. But , was I wrong. Never underestimate the determination of Americans! With the television playing a low-quality Slingbox broadcast, we sure as heck make for a compelling argument to declare Monday a day of rest.

Blurry eyed and sleepy I rolled into the office.

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