Monday, June 16, 2014

I'm hungry!

I have seen my share of corrupt police officers. In Romania, you ran a red light, blew thru the speed limit, overtook another vehicle in a no-pass zone, no problem! Slip the cop a little bank note under the driver's license and you're good to go. I am still laughing to this day when my Scottish friend was firmly convinced my father was some sort of a Mafia boss when he paid off the cops after getting caught going against the traffic on a one way street.

However, nothing prepared me for my Polisi (Swahili for police) encounter this weekend on the island of Zanzibar.

I was driving my rental car well within the law when this cop pulled me over, rushed to my window, and told me I had been speeding.

But wait, we could all forget about it for 20,000 Tanzanian shillings (the equivalent of $13). I kept my calm and informed him that I will just get the ticket. This took him by surprise.

He paused for a second, and asked:

"Okay, do you have any food? I'm hungry!"

I stared back back in disbelief:

"No, Sir, I don't have any food!"

"I'm thirsty, do you have something to drink?"

"I can offer you a beer!"

"No, Sir, I'm Muslim, I don't drink!"

"How about I take a picture with you and you let me go?"

"No, Sir, I am in uniform, I can't do that"

After we deliberated for another five minutes, he let me go with "just a warning". But he could not help making a last attempt:

"Can you still give just a little something for the weekend?"

I just started my car and drove off. After all, This is Africa!!!

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