Tuesday, June 10, 2014

This is Africa!

I arrived in Dar es Salaam a week ago now. Finally, this is Africa! Africa, that fascinated the imagination of so many novelists and thrill seekers. It’s the real Africa, the Africa that DiCaprio’s character in Blood Diamond so often mutters with the three letter acronym: T.I.A.; This, Is, Africa. This Is Africa, that lives in poverty, is plagued by disease and hunger, yet so rich in history.

My heart changes completely each single time I go to a third world, or developing country. My soul is rearranged as I get to see incredibly impoverished people whose only assets are often only the clothes on their back. These people, who spend every single day hunting for food to keep them from starving and drinking dirty water out of puddles, have always taught me a great deal. They inspire and humble me. They have something to teach any one of us, who do not have to worry whether we would go to sleep hungry or not.

Our attitude in life is a matter of how we see things. The biggest difference between me and the poor living in a hut with no running water or electricity has to do with a choice none of us made: the place where we were born. Something very positive happens inside of my soul after visiting a country where people struggle to live. I worry far less about simple things. I become intolerant to whining. My purpose to help people is renewed and invigorated. 
My gratitude index reaches a new maximum.

And while I’m starting to come to terms that won’t be fully possible to explore this city or country in my two short months here, I hope to at least gain a more than just a glimpse into them.

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