Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Getting ready for Easter!

We could have very easily forgotten our Orthodox Easter was coming up. This year we are in Bangladesh and even the Catholic one was a regular work day for us. Not a single Bangladeshi I mentioned the holiday even heard of it. Fair enough. I did not know anything about Eid, until I got here. Being so far away from home, does not really make it easy to celebrate.

But we now have friends here and we feel like home, so we will continue our tradition that we carried with us across the world and back. 

For more then a week now I have been hunting down food or ingredients that fit the bill for Cristina's standards. What back in Michigan was just a five minutes drive to an ethnic grocery store, here can turn into a huge project. A 10 kilos lamb will be brought down this Friday and sacrificed outside our apartment. Thanks to our commissary I was able to get most of things. The egg paint was a little bit more tricker and finding white, not colored eggs close to impossible.

Anyway, it seems like we are now on track with the preparations. I can tell that just by looking at enormous amount of sarmale (stuffed cabbage) that Cristina and her newly found friend Lia were able to roll tonight.

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