Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Mosha! (Mosquito)

We sometime wake up during the night, scratching. I would get up and turn the light on and start tracking the mosquitoes down - search and destroy.
Bangladeshi mosquitoes have learnt to be agile to survive. They are not very large and are impossible to swat. They move fast and they bite for a few seconds and then fly off at the least sign that they have been detected and start again on another spot. It feels like you have a whole swarm of them in there with you even if there's just one or two.

The home is not the only place they get you. You get into a car, there are at least a couple buzzing around you. You go inside of the Embassy, there are still some trying to get you.

When I first walked into the Embassy in Dhaka I was taken aback by the number of tennis lovers. Everybody had one of these bright, colored tennis rackets on their desks. It did not take long to realize how useful the "mosquito rackets" are. We had to buy one for every member of the family.

The yellow neon electrified rackets come with a light to help hunt at night and you can also recharge them. So long mosquito spray, so long Off or Deet. We are playing mosquito tennis now. There is nothing more satisfying then one of this little monsters getting fried and the crackling sound of them zapped. I am currently working on my backhand technique.

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