Sunday, January 19, 2014

You give me fever

We came back from our vacation and Vlad came down with some ugly symptoms. What I feared the most was Dengue fever, an infectious tropical disease transmitted by mosquitoes. Call me a scary cat, but when it comes to diseases nothing is more frightening than the ones I never heard of before. Mosquitoes killed even Alexander the Great, hence who am I to be braver?

Now more about dengue. Severe illness that is also called breakbone fever (hint, hint: it feels like someone is crushing your limbs). High fever, severe headache, pain behind the eyes, rash, joint and muscular pain, all that good stuff. A number of people from the Embassy contracted it since we got here and fortunately, none of them died, but some of them came pretty close. Bottom line is, with around 100 million cases worldwide per year, is not something to mess with.

Thanks God it wasn't Dengue! We dodged this bullet. At least for now!

1 comment:

  1. Better than chikungunya fever, which is worse - and with any kind of medical attention you are unlikely to die of dengue, esp. if its not hemorrhagic - which is more likely after getting it 2 or more times. Malaria is way more dangeous!!
